Writing, reading, watching, listening.

Writing, reading, watching, listening.

About my first book: Life In, Life Out

Life In Life Out
Good Words:

"I've twice featured Avital in anthologies I've edited. I love her work and couldn't be more excited for this book."

Stephen Elliott, author of Happy Baby and other six books, the founder and current Editor-in-Chief of the online literary magazine The Rumpus and a film director.

About Fire. Water.:

“Your story seemed to us a perfect flash: ordinary, realistic strife, nearing disaster, at the same time opening to even more, of an archetypal or planetary depth or scale … It's amazing what the story does in such a short space.”

Robert Shapard,  editor of W.W. Norton Flash Fiction Anthology  along with Chris Merrill and James Thomas, a former managing editor of Western Humanities Review, and the editor of a number of short-short story and flash fiction anthologies.

Previous publications of flashes from the book include:

Flashes in Print

The Los Angeles Review: The Bison

Prism International (Canada): Once a Month We Play

On Line

“Crystal and Gold” in NOÖ Journal;
“Nature” in 3:AM;
“Running Away Diary” in Portland Magazine
& Dragons with Cancer Anthology ;
“String Theory” in The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts;
“Get DownTo It” in NANO Fiction;
“Soap” in The Salt River Review;“
“Somewhere Station” in Eclectica;
“The Spirit of His Will” in Absinthe Review;
“Wings” in Pindeldyboz;
“Sudden Changes” in Happy and Pig Iron Malt, Web Del Sol;
“Tiny Love Stories” in Dispatch;
“Unless” in Corium Magazine;
“A Narrow Bridge” in EveryWriter Resource; 
 “About My Life Length” in Quick Fiction.

Photography and cover design by Vered Navon.

What readers are saying

So Far So Good:
So, So Good.
A conversation with Kathy Fish who has fine things to say about the book:
A conversation with Kathy Fish
An exceptional review by Kay Sexton A review that makes reading the book feels like an event
Pamela Erens chose the book as one of her favorites in 2014:
Authors pick their favorite reading of 2014

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